photo of SEO Writing Tips For Blog Posts

SEO Writing Tips For Blog Posts That Rank on Google

Feb 12, 2024 | 9Min Read

If you've ever written and published a blog post, you know how much work it requires. The process takes hours, from selecting a topic and researching to writing and publishing. Therefore, it can not be very enjoyable if there is minimal traffic to your content. Low traffic can be overcome with SEO. Marketers want to write content easily found on Google, and SEO is the link that makes this happen. Therefore, how can you use that in your writing? We've got you, so don't worry. This tutorial covers some SEO writing suggestions.

What is SEO writing?

Google's first-page ranking is the goal of SEO content writing. Keyword research, producing content relevant to user intent, and optimizing headers for crawling pages are necessary.

Enhancing natural search traffic and developing a keyword plan.

  • Dispel rumors regarding SEO.
  • Formulating a blog strategy.

Improved rankings make your website more visible. The ultimate goal is to optimize for company objectives, organic traffic, and conversions. Search engine rankings for your website may suffer if your content isn't optimized. Fewer people might view your content as a result.

Why is writing content for SEO important?

Without SEO, search engines will give your content a lower ranking. Low rankings may make it difficult for you to reach your target market. Your content can come out as suspect. A 2020 Search Engine Journal poll found that 25% of clickthroughs occurred on websites first in SERPs. This significantly decreases to 15% for websites ranked two and 2.5% for those ranked ten. On Google page two, that number drastically drops. If your website isn't on the first page, people might locate it naturally. Low site visitors decrease leads and sales.

Simple Content Writing for SEO

Enhancing Keyword Relevance

To increase visibility and ranking, relevant keywords and phrases are deliberately incorporated into the content through keyword optimization. This crucial SEO step increases the readability of your SEO content for search engines, increasing the possibility that it will appear in relevant search results and draw in organic traffic. You can select the best keywords by knowing what your audience wants and how it connects to your content. Finding the right balance between search engine algorithms and user reasoning is crucial when utilizing keywords.

User Intention

Search queries are driven by user intent. It's crucial to comprehend what they're looking for as a result. There are four types of typical user intent.

  • Seeking clarification. There can be a need for explanations, guides, and research contents.
  • Navigational intent: locating a brand or website. • When an appointment, service subscription, or purchase is prepared, they browse online, knowing exactly what they want.
  • Examining goods or services to buy them later is known as commercial intent. They research the best deals, compare products, and read reviews before purchasing.

Creating content that aligns with user intent will help you improve your search engine rankings. Every industry and area of expertise modifies user intent.


Writing for SEO needs both flair and substance if you don’t know how to write hire a professional website content writer. More is required for compelling content than just keywords. It would be ideal if you took the reading experience of your readers into account. SEO is balanced with reader enjoyment and value by readability. Consider UX to be on par with optimizing internal links and keywords. Its jargon-free style and clear writing make it easy to read. Use headings to make the text readable (more on that below). Write "Is this clear?" and edit it. Does that make sense? Is this something interesting? If the answer to these questions is "no," please adjust.

Historical Optimization

Every SEO writer knows that evergreen blog content is never completely produced, even after publishing. Search results constantly change due to competition for the exact keywords and algorithm improvements. You need a content upgrading plan to keep older web content updated and relevant in search engine results.

Conduct a content audit or get help form SEO content writing services to determine whether blog entries are outdated or doing poorly. Look for ways to improve it. This usually includes improving readability and layout, removing outdated content, optimizing keywords, and introducing new content.

Advice for Composing for Search Engines

  • Start by researching keywords.
  • Make good use of headlines.
  • Prepare content for highlighted excerpts.
  • Write with readers in mind, not search engines.
  • Make the title as good as possible.
  • Keywords ought to be included in meta descriptions.
  • Include an alt text for the image.
  • Refrain from crowding keywords.
  • Connect to reliable websites.
  • Experiment with longer, readable posts.
  • A connection to other posts on the website.
  • Reduce file size to expedite the loading of pages.
  • Create a plan for establishing links.

Conduct keyword research

Google processes at least 70,000 queries per second. Remarkable. Pay attention to the terms and phrases your target audience uses to outperform the competition and rank higher in search results. How else will people locate your website and content?

It started as a tool for keyword research. Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner show the popularity of user searches beside each other. Look at our case study and exclusive interview to learn how Ahrefs may help with SEO keyword research. Google Trends displays popular terms at any given moment. If searches for the keyword are consistently dropping, it's probably not the ideal choice for marketing. As for emerging tendencies, this is not the case.

When searching for keyword recommendations, take into account your competition. Use tools for competitive intelligence to determine the keywords for which their domains rank. Consider employing these keywords if they are pertinent to your company. Even so, your plan might not be suitable for the most apparent terms. Trends, terminology, and expanding product/service lines will all affect your target keywords.

Conduct regular keyword research to focus on the right keywords for your target audience and not lose out on ranking opportunities.

Make good use of headlines

Headers facilitate Google's indexation of your blog post's sections. Think of crawlers as blog skimmers. Your H1 should be a summary of your article. H2s, H3s, and H4s break down the piece's subtopics. The subheaders should have high-intent keywords and a representation of the body content. Employing popular keywords with your intended audience will raise your SERP position.

Make your content snippet-friendly

Google-featured snippets provide the most direct answers to search queries. What happens if I Google "How do you write a blog post?"The best answer can appear as a featured snippet on Google.

  • Clearly and succinctly respond to the question to receive a Google-highlighted excerpt.
  • "How to Take a Screenshot on a MacBook Computer" can be used as an H1 or H2, followed by numbered or bulleted instructions if the search term is "How to screenshot on Mac."
  • Next, incorporate a portion of the query into your response. Example: "These are the methods to snap a screenshot with your MacBook.”
  • Utilize action verbs such as "click" and "select" to initiate every sentence.
  • If the term you want to use has to be defined, write a 58-word response.
  • Write with readers, not search engines, in mind.

With all these SEO tricks, it's easy to forget that Google users look for answers. Creating top-notch blog entries is the most effective method to be rated. How does that appear? Comprehensive answers, readable sections, subheaders, and graphics. Think about the objectives, difficulties, and preferences of the buyer personas. Additionally, identify topics that potential clients are interested in and solve their issues.

Certain SEO tools aid technical site maintenance, but content creation Using SEO tools, and you may produce clear, concise, and readable content that attracts readers and ranks highly. Various methods are available to assess multiple aspects of content engagement, such as the time visitors spend on a page, whether they visit numerous pages, and how far down your website they scroll.


Writing becomes challenging when these things are taken into account. Putting your main ideas in order and using them as an AI tool prompt helps streamline the process. That draft can be changed, and your touches can be added to make it more entertaining.

Optimize Title: A poor title might detract from SEO-friendly content in search engine results. Make your title SEO-friendly by using your primary keyword. Here are some pointers.

  • Don't forget the numbers. "5 Ways to Rock a Matte Lipstick" is one example.
  • Make sure the title contains your offer. "How to Write a Cover Letter [+ Free Template]" is an example.
  • Give a sneak peek. For instance, "Here's What Happened When We Tried the New [Insert App Name] App."
  • Keywords ought to be included in meta descriptions.
  • Include meta descriptions in your content? You might not receive enough traffic otherwise. Talk about their importance.
  • Talked about snippets, keywords, and subheaders for optimized blog content for Google. It's not a comprehensive list. Also ranked by Google are meta descriptions. Under result titles, one to three-sentence meta descriptions are displayed.
  • Use meta descriptions to summarize your posts, and keep them in mind.
  • Be succinct.
  • Use a maximum of two keywords.
  • Offer engaging content. There will be other similar ads; therefore, you want your description to be unique.

Include the alt text for the image

All post photos, whether they are featured or not, should include alt text. The purpose of photographs in articles with alt text is understood by Google and those who are blind or visually impaired. Put this picture on your post about a virtual event. A businessman is seated at a desk and using a pen during a virtual meeting. "Virtual event" is used in this descriptive phrase. This stock photo could be appropriate for your blog article.

Steer clear of packing keywords

Your page ought to be optimized without being overbearing. Don't overuse keywords to the point that your writing becomes unintelligible. Write "Sales for account-based marketing startups" instead of "Sales."

Use one or two keywords in the description to help it sound more natural: Are you trying to up your game with account-based marketing and looking for killer strategies? Our research-backed techniques are explained in this essay.

With this approach, keywords are used sparingly throughout the content. You want to meet the needs of your audience. If people find it difficult to read your content, Google might conclude that it isn't helpful.

Linking to reputable websites

Incorporate external links into your blog posts. Adding links to reputable sources gives people additional reading content for your blog and lets them know about your study. Research-backed facts from reliable websites improve blog entries. Impressive facts help build a stronger case and win the reader over.

Aim for longer and more readable posts

Given the short attention spans of today's readers, more concise blog entries make sense. Google favors blog postings that are longer and more detailed. The extra content on a page gives search engines more information about the topic of your blog. A word count between 2,100 and 2,400 is reasonable.

  • Longer blogs could get confusing to readers. Dividing your text into digestible chunks can be beneficial.
  • Bullet points grab attention and are simple to read, especially on mobile devices.
  • Break long sentences up into two or three sentences.

Link to further blog entries

Including links to other blogs or websites aids search engines in building a sitemap. It also makes readers trust you and help them find more of your content. Links to more beneficial information increase conversions and decrease bounce rates by keeping visitors on your website longer. Was it not the reason?

  • When creating anchor text for websites and external connections, use natural language. Steer clear of repetitive calls to action such as "click here" or "top-rated cheap laptops."
  • Rather, describe what readers will see when they click the link using descriptive language like "Download your SEO guide."
  • Never compel people to click links to your featured products, top pages, or deals. Provide links that naturally relate to the topic and bolster your posts.
  • Reduce the size of images to expedite the page's loading time.

Quick page loading enhances the user's experience. Google, therefore, prefers them. Websites with plenty of graphics load more slowly. The number of 100KB photographs in your content may cause the page speed to drop. I am so grateful for Squoosh and other free tools. With this application, images are compressed without compromising quality.

  • If you believe that your poor ranking results from your pages loading slowly, visit Google's PageSpeed website for a free examination and suggestions.
  • Plan out your link-building approach.

Creating links affects search rankings

Why? Think of search results as a voting competition. Your content is linked to every website, increasing Google's trust. Your rating rises as a result. Creating content that appeals to publications and other websites to link to for assistance. Blogs with unique information and influential commentary are more accessible to connect to. Interviews with experts can also increase website traffic.

Get SEO Going

Write engaging content. Now, add features that are optimized for Google. These seemingly complex SEO tactics will quickly propel you to the top of Google's search results page.


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